

Statements:  Separation-Inclusion.  Security.  Beauty.

Gates subtly deliver the message of privacy, status and personality.

An imaginative collection designed with durability, aesthetics, pragmatism — and customization — in mind.


Woven Gate


Reminiscent of woven country fences of yore, the Woven Gate exudes elegance and solidity.

Airflow through metal slats, yet maximum privacy.

Dimensions: 30″ wide X 42″ high X 4″ deep. Custom sizes available.  $1200.



Wavy Gate


Evocative of the flow of water, the Wavy Gate loves to play with light.

Inspired by the endless surf of the Pacific Ocean and beach-town gates along the West Coast, these whimsical pieces are ephemeral, informal.

Approximately 30″ wide X 48″ high X 5″ deep, custom sizes are available.  $1200.



 Perforated Planar Gate


Creatives live here!

The delicate, unadorned beauty of ‘perf,’ clad on each side of the internal skeleton, providing lightweight security, with great light and air pass-through.

Panels designed in any size, customized to your specific needs.



Medea Gate


Benjamin Arseguel, 2014

The Medea Gate:  Entry restricted to invited guests only.

Bold, feminine shapes in torched plate-metal bolted into a perforated skin with a solid tube structure within.

Sliding pocket design meant for maximum security and size efficiency. Weighs 250 pounds, dry.

Benjamin Arseguel, 2014Benjamin Arseguel, 2014


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